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My Narcissist ex cheated on me and filed a divorce petition against?

You know the answer to this. In all of the time you were married did he ever take responsibility for his behavior? Divorcing a narcissist no matter who files is brutal. I mean more brutal than can be described. He will attack every area of your character. He will take everything unless you get an attorney that understands narcissism. So make a list of priories things you cant live without & be willing to let the rest go. He is going to make you out to be a monster. So please listen. Dont date; dont go out drinking or partying; dont give him ammo. Pray you will make it through but dont count on it being easy because hes a cheater. You havent seen anything yet. My daughters dad spent $175000 on attorneys fees because I asked for an increase of $250 a month when she got into high school. He lost So pull up your big girl panties & get ready for a fight. You are strong. You can do this And as if this had to be said go no contact.

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