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How can I find my spouse's response to my divorce petition?

She or her attorney (if she is represented by an attorney) should have provided you a copy when she filed her response with the court. She should have served you (or your attorney, if you have an attorney representing you) with a complete copy of her response (served simply means that she gave you a copy of her response), either by having someone (including herself) hand you a copy or with a copy or having her attorney (if she has one) give or mail (or email, if your jurisdiction allows for that) a copy. She is required to do that. If she filed her response with the court but did not serve you, MAKE SURE YOU NOTIFY THE COURT of this fact. If she filed her response with the court but did not serve you, either go to the courthouse and request a copy (you will likely have to pay the costs of photocopying) IF THE COURTHOUSE IS STILL OPEN IN THE AGE OF COVID-19. If the courthouse is closed due to COVID-19, the courthouse will likely have a policy of sending you a copy by mail or fax or email if you call or email the court clerk to request a copy. If you dont know how to find the courthouse or its telephone number or e-mail address, ask a local attorney how to get in contact. You should have little trouble finding one who is happy to do you that courtesy (so if at first you do not succeed, try a few times until you find the kind attorney).

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