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Why would anyone want to petition for divorce in California on the?

You don't need to because this is a no fault state . It could be about property and the financial obligations to and for a spouse . Incurable insanity is a term that would need to be explicitly defined to determine if this person is committed to an institution or doomed to a life of heavy meds and supervision. Technically, personality disorders are considered "incurable" but these people work and act like anyone else . However, there are PDs that are notably dysfunctional and even dangerous when it comes to familial and romantic relationships. Marriage to an BPD, NPD, MNPD, etc is notoriously contentous and painful. The destructive and painful nature of these relationships make it impossible for the non PD ( sometimes both are PD, especially for BPD+NPD unions) to have any contact, which is an issue when children are involved. Indeed the parent may be rightously concerned about the welfare of these children with the other parent if he or she is a PD because the disorder is marked by a lack of empathy and malignant impulses. Incurable insanity may be an attempt to spare one's self and children from fruitless therapy and potentially harmful visitation. This will not be a successful approach unless a history of serious abuse or criminal record is available. I have experience with family court personally and professionally in CA. I have seen an appalling lack of of concern for the children because of unwise statutes that are far to broad and liberal. An unseemly deference to a natural parent's rights will allow a pedophile who rapes his two year old to have visits with her when he is released from prison after pleading out to a lesser charge. Sure it has to be supervised in a facility but these arrangements are temporary and left up to the whims of social workers and judges . Personally, I would never let any child near the pervert. I would flee before I abided this order. Of course , if someone raped my baby, he wouldnt be breathibng long after I found out

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