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If you are a divorced father with joint custody paying child support,?

No. At least that is the short answer. If you plan to petition the courts, you risk that your motives might come across as selfish and self-interested rather than loving and caring. And, that is just the judge. The damage you could do to your relationship with your child is also a huge risk. Plus, it will raise questions with the mother, the legal team and others about whether your quest to spend more time with your child was motivated by your loveor by your love for your money. And, really, you might want to seriously examine your motives and the end result. Do you want your childs lifestyle or quality of life with the other parent to change? Why do you feel that your child should experience that reduction? Have you, or will you have to make changes to your own lifestyle or quality of life to accommodate more time with your own child such as renting a larger apartment or buying a larger house? What additional expenses are you taking on by spending more time with your child? Is it the cost of three additional home cooked meals per week that you are worried about? Are you absorbing an increased share of music lessons, sports fees, etc? Will the child be spending more than 40% of his/her time with you? If so, what arrangements have you made for their care during that time? Are they with the same after-school day care and you have to absorb your share of the costs? Have you introduced a new caregiver? These are the kinds of questions a court would expect to see explained and documented. The legal fees and court fees alone will cost you several years of child support alone, in most cases.

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