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I caught my wife cheating on me several times today we are going to?

I caught my wife cheating on me several times today we are going to sign petition for divorce- Im 47 - whats is the chance for me to have another truthful partner and a happy life? Hello, It is a difficult question to answer without a few personal and specific information. But, In my experience, and I am not as old as you, different people see different things differently. So, without information it is very difficult to judge where the problem. Nonetheless, here is my sincere take on the matter. You have a difficult road ahead. If you have kids, some part of your money will be going to them. If your ex-wife gets greedy and ask you for alimony, you will have to give some money there. Between those two, you will not be making a lot. And if your new partner has kids of her own, then she will expect you to support her and her kids. So, what i would indicate is, you should not try to jump into another relationship. Instead you should take some time and build up yourself. You are almost in your 50s.. You can not marry a young woman, because you dont want her to spend her last 20-30 years alone, without much money in her old age. So, Go on a planned vacation, Pick up new hobbies, and find other ways to keep yourself motivated. And while doing all that, if you keep looking and keep dating, you will eventually find a great partner that complements you. Sorry, if i was rude. Thank you for reading.

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