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One of my female friends has filed a divorce petition.?

How can you teach him a lesson? I feel embarrassed for you that you publicly express your lack of understanding about boundaries. To have the attitude of teaching someone a lesson is to be guilty of immature thinking. The mature attitude is that 1) we cant teach anyone anything they dont want to learn. You could do things that would make life unpleasant for him, but what will he learn from it? He will just have unpleasant and possibly even hostile attitude toward you. 2. we are responsible to set intelligent boundaries. If someone calls continuously, the first line of defense is to OPENLY tell him to stop calling. I am amazed at the number of people who make judgments about how others have failed to meet their needs but who never have the courage to be open about what they need. If she has told him, openly and clearly that he is not to call, then it is appropriate to calmly, politely, say that if he calls again she will contact his supervisor. If he calls again, then, again politely, call his supervisor and tell him/her the story as simply as undramatically as possibly. Hysteria, exaggeration, over-emotionality, using language and expression intended to play up the situation and the damage it has done, this is all a waste of time and will only tell others that you are backward, undeveloped, uncouth, not very respectable, because youre into the drama, not the simple reality of wanting the problem solved. This open, polite method won't punish him, which is what it sounds like you want, but it will solve the problem and is the least likely to cause further damage. Finally, it is never our place to teach anyone anything unless they have asked. You asked, so I will recommend that before you do anything that you find a good book or therapist to teach you a lesson about boundaries and healthy communication skills.

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